Impersonal constructions include the existential, meteorological phenomena, indirect impersonal verbs of the type “it pleases me”, and the impersonal compound passive dañssed e≠veż “es wird getanzt”. In Breton these forms are fully active, may not be used with agentive phrases, and are best translated with French on / English one, even though there is no corresponding pronoun in Breton. The impersonal forms in r and d constitute a seventh form in the personal conjugation, referring to some indeterminate human subject. The personal conjugation marking tense, person and number represents the inclusion of post-verbal subject pronouns it is also used after initial subjects in the negative (subject agreement). But in the affirmative, with simple verbs, a dummy auxiliary “do” arises with auxiliary structures (copula, existential, compound tenses), there is AUX-PRED > PRED-AUX inversion The apersonal conjugation, formally identical with the 3SG, marking tense, but not person or number, is used before expressed nominal subjects, and after initial subjects in the affirmative. In “bare” presentation, the negative tense particle ne is sufficient to fill the first position in order to satisfy the T-2 constraint.

“Bare” presentations begin with a predicate syntagm “lead-in” presentations with a non-predicate constituent, which may be either thematic or focused. Breton verbal syntax is simultaneously VSO and V-2, or more precisely PSO/XPSO and T-2.